Forklifts are often behind the scenes, working hard to make work easier. Being in the material handling business, we often get to see behind the scenes, and forklifts appear in many unexpected work environments. When our Sales manager Dean Walker vacationed in Southern Italy, he saw behind the scenes of an Olive Oil production facility and ran into one of our brands: Linde. 

While in Italy, Dean and his wife Delora did not plan to go to an olive oil production facility. However, while they were at lunch, they met a couple who had driven over 70 miles with the sole mission of picking up a specific brand of olive oil. After getting to know each other, the travelers joined forces and visited the Campania region of Southern Italy, where ORO Olive oil is artfully created. 

ORO produces high quality Oilve Oil, which sadly,  is only available on the Italian domestic market. The farm and the production facility are family owned and aim to exceed the highest Italian standards. To ensure quality, ORO performs its own farming, pressing, and bottling on site. Maintaining high quality, ORO also prides themselves on being a sustainable farm.  ORO processes all by-products including the pits for other commercial uses. 

When Dean and the group arrived at ORO, they toured the facility, and Dean immediately noticed the forklift stored in their warehouse. Seeing the Linde brand in Europe is a strong reminder the brand's global footprint. This Linde truck was kept spic and span to match the facility around it. Before the group even tried the olive oil, it was obvious that ORO had a true dedication to their job.

Upon tasting the high quality, it was no wonder why people would travel so far to obtain their own bottle. While ORO is not available in American markets, Dean grabbed a bottle to bring back to Oregon. 

Thanks to our new friends at ORO for the tour, and we hope to visit again. 


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