On May 16, 2019, Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed into law House Bill 3427, which established an annual Corporate Activity Tax (CAT) based on commercial activity conducted by businesses, effective for tax years beginning on January 1st, 2020. The CAT is $250 plus 0.57% on a taxpayer’s Oregon-sourced taxable commercial activity above $1 million and would be imposed in addition to the corporate income and excise tax already imposed by the state.
We have considered the impact on our business and how to recover the additional annual expense. In an effort for transparency, we have opted to display a separate tax line item on all invoices related to Oregon sourced business rather than hide the tax in a sales price increase.
We understand that managing your forklift and capital equipment needs can be a significant challenge. We will continue to focus on providing great products and services so your business operates as smooth as possible.
The Norlift team greatly appreciates your business, and for more information on the CAT, please visit: